Chilling in europe - A winter journey through the old continent

Today I’ll write a LIST of things that surprised me the most during my winter trips. 

I love writing lists, things to do, movies/series to watch, people to kill (Walden Frey, Geoffrey, Cersei, the mount- SHUT UP ARYA I’M TRYING TO WRITE)

1)it’s cold, and you need to tell people;

Places like Switzerland, Austria, even Venice get reeally cold and rainy, despite of that the go-to-holidays shoes for Aussies are and will always be.. thongs.

No good. You get cold, we need to go to the doctor/hospital, we don’t have fun. 

Unless he’s the doctor, and you have lupus. That would be fun 

2)I see GOT references everywhere

Ok that’s something random, anyway I started watching GOT and since then everything seems like a reference, like the scenery of Switzerland and Austria 

Can’t you hear it?! Winter is coming, Jon snow will protect us, or maybe he’ll die, who knows?!

Or like that fact that I had a doppelganger of Sansa in one of my trip! I won’t name her for a matter of privacy but I swear I was addressing her as Lady Stark (but she didn’t watch game Of thrones so I’m not sure that turned out well in my feedback). 

3) It is A LOT easier to see stuff 

Musee d’Orsay, Uffizi gallery, Prague Castle, Anne frank House. Those are just few of the places I had the chance to visit since October, which in summer are MENTAL! in general there’s less people around, no queuing, no sweating, overall being a tourist is a far more pleasant experience so if you’re coming to visit my best pick would always be April /may or September to November. 

4)Food and Christmas market

There is a lot of food or drinks which are typical of European countries you don’t really enjoy in summer.. Soups (Goulash in Hungary 😍), Mulled wine, Waffles.. Pretty much everything that is hot! In winter you can have it and, on top of that, from the classic Christmas markets that spread all over the continent!

5) Winter activities 

That’s weather depending, but in general from ice skating to skiing or snowboarding there’s a lot you can do.

A little tip, if you go skiing make sure you can tell the difference between a red and a black ski slope. I couldn’t and almost died. 3 times (cause I thought, next time it’s gonna be better.. It wasn’t.)

Ok that’s it, short list this time. 

As a prize for you, to give you a more realistic taste of what is like being around Europe in winter, here’s a video I put together from my last trip (Winter spirit 0911..Hellooo). It’s the first time I edit videos (cause I got a new gopro-like camera) so there’s work to be done, feel free to write what you think of it.

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR which in Italian Is Buon natale e felice anno nuovo! 

Ciao belli



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