Best Carnivals in the World (after Brazil)

Alright, buckle up, party people, because we're about to take a whirlwind tour of Europe's top Carnival hotspots! Sure, Brazil might steal the spotlight, but trust me, these European cities know how to throw a party.

Wait a minute, what is Carnival? Back in ancient Rome (them again!) they had a festival called "Saturnalia," where they'd let loose, party like there's no tomorrow, and even swap roles with slaves for a bit! Fast forward to medieval Europe, and Church folks were like, "Okay, guys, we need to rein it in a bit," so they slapped Carnival right before Lent, giving people one last hurrah to feast, dance, and get all their craziness out before the solemn fasting season began. And voilà, Carnival was born—a glorious celebration of freedom, indulgence, and, some epic costumes! 🎭🥳

Now, when you think at Carnival you think of Brasil, and if you had a chance you should definitely travel there in February, but if you find yourself in the Old Continent, those are the places to check out:

1. Cologne, Germany

If you listen to some stereotypes about Germans you wouldn’t expect it, but here they don't mess around when it comes to Carnival. The whole shebang starts as early as November 11th, but the real magic happens on Rose Monday, the day before Fat Tuesday, also known as Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras.

If you step out onto the streets of Cologne these days, everywhere you look there will be floats decked out in all their glory, each one more elaborate and eye-catching than the last.

And let's not forget the house special: the beer. Oh yes, in Cologne, beer flows like water during Carnival, and I'm not talking about just any ol' beer—I'm talking about Kölsch, the local brew that's as much a part of the festivities as the floats themselves. So grab yourself a cold one, join the parade, and get ready to dance the night away because in Cologne, Carnival isn't just a party—it's a way of life.

2. London, United Kingdom

Let's keep the Carnival train rolling with London's Notting Hill Carnival!

Differently from others, this Carnival is Held in August (let’s be honest, the weather in London in February doesn’t inspire much festivities), and it is a vibrant showcase of Caribbean culture.

Indeed, this Carnival originally started in the 1960s as a way for Caribbean immigrants to celebrate their traditions, and it has grown into one of the largest street festivals in the world, attracting millions of visitors from all corners of the globe.

From the moment you step foot into Notting Hill during Carnival weekend, you're greeted by the infectious beat of steel drums, the tantalizing aroma of jerk chicken sizzling on the grill, and a sea of revelers decked out in vibrant costumes that pay homage to the rich tapestry of Caribbean folklore.

3. Italy (Venice, Viareggio, Ivrea)

Italy? Oh, Italy takes Carnival to a whole new level! Venice kicks things off with its enchanting masquerade balls and romantic gondola rides through the city's iconic canals.

Then, hop over to Viareggio, where you'll be greeted by towering papier-mâché statues strutting their stuff down the streets in a parade fit for royalty.

Last but not least Ivrea, where the Battle of the Oranges turns the city into a fruity battleground—you'll wanna bring your poncho for this epic food fight!

4. Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon has a huge Brazilian community (around 10% of the city population comes from the former colony), and coming February the streets of the city are transformed into a whirlwind of samba beats, glittering costumes, and non-stop party. Blocos (street bands) march through the streets, their rhythms drawing crowds of locals and visitors alike into spontaneous dance parties that lasts well into the night.

While the music is Brasilian, the food remains Portuguese: street vendors sell pastéis de nata (custard tarts), bifanas (pork sandwiches), and of course, plenty of caipirinhas to keep the party going.

Lisbon Carnival is an experience you won't soon forget—a true celebration of life, love, and the joy of coming together in the name of fun!

5. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

And finally, let's talk Spain! Tenerife, in the sunny Canary Islands, knows how to throw a fiesta like no other. With its picture-perfect beaches, flamboyant costumes, and non-stop dancing, it's no wonder Tenerife's Carnival is hailed as the best in Europe, some say the best in the world after Brazil itself!

The streets of Tenerife come alive with a kaleidoscope of colors and a cacophony of sounds as Carnival takes hold of the island. From elaborate parades featuring towering floats adorned with feathers and sequins to lively street parties where locals and visitors alike dance until the early hours, Tenerife's Carnival is a feast for the senses.

But what really sets Tenerife's Carnival apart is its infectious energy and sense of community. Whether you're joining in the revelry with a group of friends or getting swept up in the excitement of the parade, there's a palpable feeling of camaraderie that makes Tenerife's Carnival a truly unforgettable experience. So grab your costume, lace up your dancing shoes, and get ready to party like never before in the sun-drenched streets of Tenerife!

Have you been to other famous European Carnivals?

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